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Friday, 17 January 2014

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StartIsBackPlus For Windows 8.1 v1.5.1 Download Final Cracked (free) AmanAhad

StartIsBack is one of the first apps that got full support for Windows 8.1, so it’s not really surprising that so many people are running it these days.

The Windows 8.1 version got an update today, so in case you’ve already made the move to Redmond’s new operating system, make sure you are deploying this release as soon as possible.

StartIsBack 1.0.1 for Windows 8.1 comes to fix a configuration error on some specific hardware configurations, while also implementing support for Windows 7 userpic animation tweaking.

StartIsBack also offers support for all Windows 8 versions currently on the market, so you can install it regardless of whether you are running the 32- or the 64-bit editions of the operating system launched in October, 2012.





Dear OpenI Community,
We are happy to announce the release of OpenI 3.0.1 as a plug-in for Pentaho CE. With this release, we will focus more on developing new features on top of Pentaho (and perhaps Jasper) instead of OpenI being a BI Server in itself.
The OpenI plugin for Pentaho provides a simple and clean user interface to visualize data in OLAP cubes. It supports both direct Mondrian and xmla based connections like Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS), plus provides OpenI specific features like:
  • Explore OLAP cube data – point to a cube, choose a metric, and instantly chart the metric against all available dimensions
  • Write custom SQL for drillthrough to return more detailed data sets (instead of just identifiers)
  • Post drillthrough results directly to an external web service (instead of always having to download to local machine)
  • and many more..
A demo video is available at - http://youtu.be/MLX83EXG8uM
You can download it at - https://sourceforge.net/projects/openi/files/openi-3.0/
Documentation is at - http://wiki.openi.org/openi-pentaho-plugin
We would love to hear your feedback.
Sandeep Giri
Project Lead, OpenI.Org

Facebook comments:

13 comments to OpenI 3.0.1 is here (Pentaho Plugin for OLAP Data Visualization)

  • [...] Podrán encontrar el anuncio oficial de OpenI en haciendo click aquí. [...]
  • GS
    Hello! Do I have to do additional configuration to access my own cubes on OpenI Pentaho Plugin? I can’t view these cubes when create a new analysis. On default olap viewer of Pentaho, the cubes are shown normally.
  • Sujen
    Hello GS,
    Did you try restarting the BI server?? Also, which version of Pentaho BI server you are using Openi plugin with??
    Also here is our forum link (http://sourceforge.net/projects/openi/forums/forum/478298) under SF.net, if you would like to post further questions for discussion.
  • danny
    how can I get the code source
  • Sujen
    We haven’t released the source yet.. just the plugin binary. But yes, we will be out with the source, very soon.
    Thanks for trying out the plugin.
  • danny
    can you send me the code source?
    I want it to lean
  • TheAkaBroken
    Hello open i i copied to the server pentaho as explained.
    But I’m not able to login.
    What are the credentials for the ligin?
  • Arf
    Hello Sandeep,
    As an happy Openi 1.3 old user, I’ve tried to run Openi 3 in my Bi Server 3.10 Pentaho project.
    With my configuration, I very very often hang on selecting filter mebers with these error panels:
    “Member Navigator:
    and , after closing the first:
    Unable to generate the HTML for the member navigator component null.”
    I’ve also tried to install your plugin on a fresh 3.10 bi-server with demo data.
    It works for a while but, after a long use, begins to raise the same errors.
    I hope in your suggestion to start to show your work to my customers as as an option between the old jpivot and the new, perhaps too, saiku.
    best regards,
  • I have the same problem as described just above by Arf: Unable to generate the HTML for the member navigator component null.
    It gets fixed for a while if I put the dimension on a column or row and them open it. Then, when I return it to filter it works but only for a while.
    Please help.
    The product is great, otherwise!
  • Preeti
    I have put the OpenI plug in my Pentaho installation as mentioned in the installation guide. But I am unable to see the OpenI interface. Please Help..
  • Rajesh rajamani
    Unable to login to the Demo page with the user id openi ?. Any clues ?
  • DanieleS
    i have a problem with plug-in. In wizard i see my cube but when try to access it, the plugin return an error: Could not get the slicer value null.
    Can you help me?
    Thank’s a lot
  • Mike Ma
    After testing, I have to say it is a fantastic OLAP viewer. While a problem occurs when I change my view from OLAP table to chart. It seems the chart can not display chinese characters properly in chart legend. While Jpivot’s display is fine. Could you please help me to solve this problem?
    Thanks a lot.

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- See more at: http://openi.org/2012/openi-3-0-1-is-here-pentaho-plugin-for-olap-data-visualization/#sthash.R7nkTnDf.dpuf
Dear OpenI Community,
We are happy to announce the release of OpenI 3.0.1 as a plug-in for Pentaho CE. With this release, we will focus more on developing new features on top of Pentaho (and perhaps Jasper) instead of OpenI being a BI Server in itself.
The OpenI plugin for Pentaho provides a simple and clean user interface to visualize data in OLAP cubes. It supports both direct Mondrian and xmla based connections like Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS), plus provides OpenI specific features like:
  • Explore OLAP cube data – point to a cube, choose a metric, and instantly chart the metric against all available dimensions
  • Write custom SQL for drillthrough to return more detailed data sets (instead of just identifiers)
  • Post drillthrough results directly to an external web service (instead of always having to download to local machine)
  • and many more..
A demo video is available at - http://youtu.be/MLX83EXG8uM
You can download it at - https://sourceforge.net/projects/openi/files/openi-3.0/
Documentation is at - http://wiki.openi.org/openi-pentaho-plugin
We would love to hear your feedback.
Sandeep Giri
Project Lead, OpenI.Org

Facebook comments:

13 comments to OpenI 3.0.1 is here (Pentaho Plugin for OLAP Data Visualization)

  • [...] Podrán encontrar el anuncio oficial de OpenI en haciendo click aquí. [...]
  • GS
    Hello! Do I have to do additional configuration to access my own cubes on OpenI Pentaho Plugin? I can’t view these cubes when create a new analysis. On default olap viewer of Pentaho, the cubes are shown normally.
  • Sujen
    Hello GS,
    Did you try restarting the BI server?? Also, which version of Pentaho BI server you are using Openi plugin with??
    Also here is our forum link (http://sourceforge.net/projects/openi/forums/forum/478298) under SF.net, if you would like to post further questions for discussion.
  • danny
    how can I get the code source
  • Sujen
    We haven’t released the source yet.. just the plugin binary. But yes, we will be out with the source, very soon.
    Thanks for trying out the plugin.
  • danny
    can you send me the code source?
    I want it to lean
  • TheAkaBroken
    Hello open i i copied to the server pentaho as explained.
    But I’m not able to login.
    What are the credentials for the ligin?
  • Arf
    Hello Sandeep,
    As an happy Openi 1.3 old user, I’ve tried to run Openi 3 in my Bi Server 3.10 Pentaho project.
    With my configuration, I very very often hang on selecting filter mebers with these error panels:
    “Member Navigator:
    and , after closing the first:
    Unable to generate the HTML for the member navigator component null.”
    I’ve also tried to install your plugin on a fresh 3.10 bi-server with demo data.
    It works for a while but, after a long use, begins to raise the same errors.
    I hope in your suggestion to start to show your work to my customers as as an option between the old jpivot and the new, perhaps too, saiku.
    best regards,
  • I have the same problem as described just above by Arf: Unable to generate the HTML for the member navigator component null.
    It gets fixed for a while if I put the dimension on a column or row and them open it. Then, when I return it to filter it works but only for a while.
    Please help.
    The product is great, otherwise!
  • Preeti
    I have put the OpenI plug in my Pentaho installation as mentioned in the installation guide. But I am unable to see the OpenI interface. Please Help..
  • Rajesh rajamani
    Unable to login to the Demo page with the user id openi ?. Any clues ?
  • DanieleS
    i have a problem with plug-in. In wizard i see my cube but when try to access it, the plugin return an error: Could not get the slicer value null.
    Can you help me?
    Thank’s a lot
  • Mike Ma
    After testing, I have to say it is a fantastic OLAP viewer. While a problem occurs when I change my view from OLAP table to chart. It seems the chart can not display chinese characters properly in chart legend. While Jpivot’s display is fine. Could you please help me to solve this problem?
    Thanks a lot.

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- See more at: http://openi.org/2012/openi-3-0-1-is-here-pentaho-plugin-for-olap-data-visualization/#sthash.R7nkTnDf.dpuf


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