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Tuesday, 12 March 2013

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How to share your pc’s internet connection with mobile phone over Wi-FI ---- By AMAN-AHAD

If you have a single internet connection, you might want to connect your laptop and Android phone or iPhone, tablet, or other mobile devices to share Internet access. Sharing mobile’s internet connection with laptop is quite easy, you can do it by using mobile PC suite. But in case, if you want to do the reverse that is use your laptop’s data connection for Internet access on our Android phone or iPhone, tablet, or other mobile device, then you must go for reverse tethering. Reverse tethering will allow you to share the 3G dongle or data card internet connection from your laptop to your mobile phones / gadgets. Also you can form a wifi network with this to share files as well. You can use this trick even in Hotels or restaurants which provide internet access only to a single device say laptop and you want to use it with other gadgets simultaneously as well. In short, We are going to create a personal wireless hotspot from computer’s internet connection to access internet from your Wi-Fi enabled smart phone.
We can achieve this by two methods :
  • 1) Using already available resources in your pc to share internet over Wi-Fi
  • 2) Using 3rd party software to share Wi-Fi with your mobile phone
Using Available resources
Now let us see how to make use of the already available resources in your pc to share internet over Wi-Fi. This trick requires no installation of 3rd party software, so its kinda safe.
There are two methods in order to share your internet over Wi-Fi using already available resources for windows 7 users.
  • Using network and sharing center.
  • Smart and easy hack introduced by us.

How to use network and sharing center to share your pc’s internet?

Step 1

Please go to the control panel >Network and internet>Network and sharing center>Manage wireless networks

Step 2

Click Add button in the top right corner of the window.

Step 3

Click Create an ad hoc network button.

Step 4

Please name your new Wi-Fi ad hoc connection as you prefer, select WPA2-Personal as the security type and then type a memorable password. Don’t forget to check the Save this network box so next time you don’t have to make a new ad hoc connection.

Step 5

Now click on the Wi-Fi icon on your task bar, you will see that your new Wi-Fi ad hoc connection is up and running.

Step 6

If you still can’t connect to the internet although you are connected with the ad hoc network please go to Network and sharing center >select your internet connection>select properties>go to sharing tab>check allow other network users to connect through this computer’s Internet connection and try again.

Smashing Hack introduced by Smashingtips team
Step 1

Create a new text file in your desktop it and rename it Connect.bat (Make sure that you deleted the extension,” .txt” and replace it with “.bat”)

Step 2

Open it using note pad and type the following codesnetsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=preferredNetworkName key=preferredPassword keyUsage=persistent netsh wlan start hostednetwork
Change the “preferredNetworkName” to any name that you prefer to call your network and “preferredPassword” to any memorable password with 8 digits. Save it.

Step 3

Create another text file named Disconnect.bat in the same location and type the following codes
netsh wlan stop hostednetwork
Save it too.

Step 4

Please go to Network and sharing center >select your internet connection>select properties>go to sharing tab>check allow other network users to connect through this computer’s Internet connection check box.

Now your Wi-Fi sharing hack is up and running please double click Connect.bat in order to connect to your phone and Disconnect.bat when you want to disconnect your connection.
Using 3rd party software to share Wi-Fi with your mobile phone
There are many 3rd party software available for creating hotspot and sharing internet. But I would like to discuss the most popular tools which are being used by many. The first one is :


MyPublicWiFi is an easy-to-use software that turns your laptop/PC into a Wi-Fi wireless access point. Anyone nearby can surf the Internet through your sharing. This is also an ideal solution for setting up a temporary Access Point in a hotel room,meeting room,at home or the like.
Step 1

Please visit http://www.mypublicwifi.com/publicwifi/en/index.html to download MyPublicWifi software.

Step 2

Follow on screen instructions to install the application

Step 3

Open it as administrator and then select Automatic Hotspot configuration. Then give a desired name for your connection along with a memorable password.

Step 4

Check Enable internet sharing check box. Then select your internet connection.

Step 5

Click Start Hotspot button to start sharing internet over your Wi-Fi

(Posted By AmanAhad:03012126162)


Connectify Hotspot is an easy to use software router for Windows computers that utilizes your PC’s built in Wi-Fi card to wirelessly share any available Internet connection with friends, co-workers, and mobile devices.
1: Set your desired Hotspot name and password.
The Hotspot name must start with “Connectify-”. For example : Connectify-Rias.
2: Select which Internet connection you’d like to share.
Share your the Internet connection from your Cable or DSL modem, a 3G or 4G modem, even another Wi-Fi network
3: Click Start Hotspot, thats it!
Other Wi-Fi devices such as laptops and smartphones will be able to see and connect to your hotspot just like any other access point.
Get the free version from here : Download connectify

(Posted By AmanAhad:03012126162)


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