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Monday, 28 October 2013

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How to Hack a Computer | AMANAHAD Tech

Hacking a computer is a useful and, at times, important skill to pick up. Below are instructions for getting past a password (if you find yourself logged out of a computer or want to check up on your child or spouse), gaining remote access to a computer (to check on a user or help locate a stolen machine), or crack a wifi password (in the event of an emergency, such as if you become lost in an unfamiliar city and need to look up directions).
Method 1 of 3: Getting Past a Log In Password


  1. 1
    Boot the computer in safe mode.
  2. 2
    Click “Start”.
  3. 3
    Click “Run”.
  4. 4
    Type in “control userpasswords2”.[1]
  5. 5
    Change passwords for any account. This is probably going to be obvious to the user, so you may have to tell them a little white lie. Try something along the lines of: "Oh, I hear computers glitch like that sometimes. You can always type in recoverpassword if you get locked out and then set a new password" (in which case you will want to set the password to the account to recoverpassword or whatever you tell this person).[2]
  6. 6
    Reboot the computer.
Method 2 of 3: Getting Remote Access


  1. 1
    Download the program LogMeIn. There is a free version, though you can purchase a subscription if that better meets your needs.[3]
    • The program will need to be downloaded to the computer you intend to remotely view or use. This makes it useful for gaining access to your computer if it is stolen or for checking up on your teen’s daytime activities during the summer.
    • You will have to make an account with the LogMeIn website in order to use the software.
  2. 2
    Log in to the website. Log in to LogMeIn’s website.
  3. 3
    Navigate to the “My Computers” page. It should open automatically when you sign in.
  4. 4
    Add the computer you intend to remotely access. You will see an “Add computer” button on the page. Click that and fill in the info for the computer you intend to access.
  5. 5
    Click the name for the computer once it’s added.
  6. 6
    Log on to the computer. This means you’ll have to know the username and password for the account you’re trying to access or view.
  7. 7
    Click “Remote Control”. If you’re trying to be sneaky (such as to spy on the user), try to move the mouse as little as possible and don’t click on anything.
  8. 8
    Log out when you’re done.
Method 3 of 3: Cracking a Wifi (WEP) Password
  1. 1
    Download the necessary programs. You will need 2 programs to make this hack work: CommView (which will be used to look for vulnerabilities in the network you’re trying to access[4]) and AirCrackNG (which will break the security key itself)
    • Make sure your computer’s wireless adaptor is compatible with CommView.
  2. 2
    Find a Network. Use CommView to scan for wireless networks. Choose a network with a WEP key and a decent signal.
  3. 3
    Filter the search to that network. Right click on the network you want to access, select “Copy MAC address”, go to the Rules tab, then MAC Addresses, enable MAC address rules, then click Action→Capture→Add Record→Both. Paste in the MAC address.
  4. 4
    View Data packets. Sort out the Management (M) and Control (C ) packets so that you are only viewing the Data (D) packets.
  5. 5
    Save the packets. Go to the Logging tab and enable auto saving. You may need to change the settings on the Directory size and File size. Try 2000 and 20, respectively.
  6. 6
    Press the “Play” button to begin collecting. Wait until you have at least 100,000 packets.
  7. 7
    Click “Concatenate Logs” under the Log tab. Make sure all of the logs are selected.
  8. 8
    Export the logs. Go to the folder where the logs were saved and open the log file. Click File→Export→WireShark/tcpdump format and save it where you can find it easily.
  9. 9
    Open the newly created file with Aircrack. Start Aircrack and choose WEP. Open the file and click “Launch”.
  10. 10
    Enter the index number. When the command prompt opens, you’ll need to enter the index number for the target network. It is probably 1. Hit enter and wait. If it works, the key will be shown.
  11. Share And Like it now...
Publisher: Unknown - 23:33

Friday, 4 October 2013

How do I set my own video clip as a live wallpaper on an Android Tablet?

How Can I Set My Own Video Clip As Live Wallpaper?

How many times you have installed a live wallpaper on your android device? A live wallpaper is a moving image that, when set as wallpaper, displays an animation in a loop. Many android devices nowadays have built-in live wallpapers that you can set as default and can enjoy the animation that they have. With the help of live wallpapers, your android device looks lively and active even if you are not using it, or if it is kept aside in an idle state.

Although there are many live wallpaper apps available out there in the market, most of them are the ones that have their own built-in animations that you are bound to use once you have downloaded them. This means that you do not have any control on editing the live wallpapers and you must use the ones that the downloaded app contains.

Now the question is, what if you want to use a video clip of your family members or your children as a live wallpaper so that you can see them moving and playing around on the home screen of your mobile or tablet, even if it is not in use?
Answer to this question is not as simple. You may find several apps available in the android market that claim to help you create your own live wallpapers. However such applications have limited features and they only allow you to create a slide show of the pictures that you choose from the list or from your image gallery.
The live wallpaper maker that is described in this section will help you put a small video image or an animated GIF file of your choice as a live wallpaper on the home screen of your tablet or mobile device.

The name of this app is Live Wallpaper Maker and it is recommended that you should have its pro version to get all the features of the app without any ads or limitations. Live Wallpaper Maker Pro allows you to use the video clips or animated GIF images that your device may contain. When you first initialize the Live Wallpaper Maker Pro, it asks you to select either a video file or a GIF image. As soon as you select an image, it will then use it as a live wallpaper and will start displaying it on the home screen of your mobile phone or tablet.

You might face some troubles in the orientation and the image quality where the video clips or GIF images can be displayed perfectly well in the portrait orientation and might become blurry when used in landscape, or vice versa. You must also keep in mind that live wallpapers consume more power, and the battery is drained sooner as compared to when static wallpapers are used.

Publisher: Unknown - 20:11

How To Make GIF Images Into Live Wallpapers On Your Nexus 4 or Android Device

There are tons of great animated GIF images around the web these days, but being able to set them as a wallpaper on your Android device isn’t something you can currently do using the stock Android OS, although this may change with KitKat 4.4 or Android 5.0 when it hits. However, there are some great free apps available on the Play Store that will enable you to do this and AnimGIF Live Wallpaper 2 Lite is one of the best one out there.
The app itself is free, can handle GIF files of any size as well as allowing you to select multiple GIF’s so that you can have your wallpaper shuffle randomly. It consumes very little power, and supports all Android operating systems from 2.1 onwards. There is a PRO version  of the app as well which doesn’t display a watermark (hardly noticeable) on your GIF’s, or show ad’s in the settings area.
For this article I am running the PRO version of AnimGIF Live Wallpaper 2 on my Nexus 4 running Jelly Bean 4.3
Firstly, download the app via The Play Store , or if you wish you can download the .apk  directly from the publishers site. Once you have installed the app, open it up and select AnimGIF LWP 2 (at the top) to start adding your favourite GIF files as Live Wallpapers.
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Next, select the arrow at the top to get to the main settings area.
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Now to select your GIF of choice, choose Select GIF Files at the top which will access your SD card, or in the case of the Nexus 4, your internal memory.
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Now browse to the location where you have your GIF images stored (in my case I created a folder for them called GIFs) and simply select one.
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By default the size of the GIF will be set to Fit Best. If this looks OK to you then just hit Set Wallpaper.
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If you wish to change the fit of the GIF though, then head to Image fitting mode and select the option that suits your file.
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Now if your GIF image has a background colour that isn’t black, which is the default background colour for the app, you can change that in the main settings area. Simply select Background color to access the colour sliders.
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The RGB sliders will allow you to match the background of your animation as best as you can to make the Live Wallpaper look as good as possible.
You can also set the GIF file to act as the Live Wallpaper for your lockscreen as well by checking theOther GIF on lock screen box.
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There are also quite a few other settings that can be changed in the options area including speeding up or slowing down how fast the animation plays, scaling up low resolution GIF files thru to how long each GIF should play for until the next file (if you are using multiple ones) starts.
Below are some of the main functions for the app:
  • Consumes very little power and CPU, thanks to a custom built, highly optimized native GIF-decoder library — much improved from AnimGIF Live Wallpaper 1
  • All Android 2.1 (and later) devices are supported that can use live wallpapers
  • All GIF files – including very large ones – are supported, no exceptions!
  • You can select multiple GIF files to be played after each other, or to be shuffled randomly
  • You can choose from a couple of image scaling modes to fit the images onto the screen
  • Enhanced GIF file picker with thumbnail images to quickly find your favourite GIF-s
If you want some test animations to have a play with I have added some of them below for you to download and use on your device, or just find one from around the web.
3D Hands Circle 
Owl in Snow 
Here are some Harry Potter GIFs created by Jeca Martinez  that look great on the Nexus 4 screen if you wish:
That’s it. As I said there is a free and paid for version of the app, but both work perfectly fine and can help you have some great looking wallpapers.
Publisher: Unknown - 20:08